We are Record Evolution

record evolution team

Our Vision: Better Insight with Better Data

Our work carries the vision for an elastic and open-ended Data Science and IoT process that functions as an enabler. We believe that every company, irrespective of their resources, should have access to high-quality data and, therefore, insight generation.

In our work, we seek to contemplate the big picture of data science and IoT development, including potential future innovation and dormant industry challenges. This holistic approach makes our work distinctly anticipatory, as we accompany our actions with the attempt to thoroughly understand the current innovation landscape and remain attuned to emerging needs. 

We see data science and IoT development as a flux in an area of continuous re-alignment and ever-ongoing know-how amplification. Because of this, we have created process-centric products that reflect on our vision of a fully rounded development cycle accessible to companies of every size and know-how level.

Process as strategy

A seamless processual flow, starting from identifying a strategy and putting a process into action, through improving and managing, up to the final deployment.


Open infrastructure, freedom of choice, user-oriented ecosystems geared for maximum compatibility. We create ecosystems where no product is an island.


Continuous attunement to both internal dynamics and adjacent systems. We build open systems that remain capable of realignment at all levels.

Our Story

Record Evolution started out in 2015 as a data science  consultancy in machine learning and statistics, Big Data, cloud architectures, and edge computing. 

Building on years of project work, our Founder & CEO Marko has introduced the idea of an enterprise-enabling infrastructure consisting of an IoT development studio with data science capabilities on top.

Today, we are a lively team of mathematicians, physicists, web developers, data engineers, and data scientists. Our vision: making IoT and AI affordable for all companies, big and small.


“We believe that every company should have access to cutting-edge technologies and the opportunity to innovate at scale. To this end, we have built an IoT development studio with a fully-fledged end-to-end cloud data service.”

We question the status quo

Looking for deeper understanding, doing things differently, continually expanding the boundaries of knowledge and possibility.

We make an impact

We build and co-shape the world around us. We put continuous energy on projects that help our customers achieve their goals.

We share our knowledge

By acting together, with shared goals, we get so much further. Each of us has a unique role to play and a perspective to share.

We are Record Evolution

Marko Petzold

Dr. Marko Petzold

Founder & CEO
Ruben Dewitte

Ruben Dewitte

Developer Lead
Niklas Lang 1

Niklas Lang

Head of Product Design

Dr. Zornitsa Dimitrova

Head of Content