Create projects with edge data

Collect IoT data, develop industrial AI

IoT data studio

Extract and manage machine data from one central interface available for projects all across your organization.

Data pods - this is where you pull and analyse edge and cloud data. Each pod comes with built-in infrastructure for powerful IoT analytics.

Extract edge data

  • Collect raw data from multiple sources 
  • Overview of loaded data
  • Automated data type detection
  • Manual adjustment
  • Fully managed data package logistics

Develop AI in data science workbooks

  • Custom queries with SQL or Python
  • Markdown along the code
  • Direct use of all pod CPUs
  • PostgreSQL database and TimescaleDB extension

Analysis & visualization

  • Custom infographics 
  • Custom interactive elements
  • Embedded visualizations with near real-time updates

Is your company new to IoT analytics?
We can help.

From ingesting data to complex analyses - the process is seamless.

Integrations - here is an overview.

Business Intelligence

Business Tools

Data Science

Curious? Create your first free pod and learn the basics in a demo.

Explore blog resources

Your Data Architecture: Simple Best Practices for Your Data Strategy

IoT Data Management: Why You Need It and What Are Its Ultimate Challenges?

IoT Data Aggregation Methods in WSN Landscapes: Unlocking More Value