for device

Fast-track remote access and manage multiple clients

device manager

The shortest path to remote access - build your device fleet within minutes and get started right away.

Device swarms - this is how we make IoT management simple. You work within a compact, decentralised, and fully autonomous IoT ecosystem for connecting, monitoring, and controlling devices.

Manage connectivity: any device, anywhere

  • Connect new devices or retrofit legacy equipment
  • Flash devices with our REflasher app, enabled for bulk flashing
  • Manage device connectivity (LAN, Mobile, Wi-Fi)
  • Benefit from an open, hardware-agnostic tool

Full transparency: update and control device swarms

  • Configure, monitor and control remote devices from one central interface 
  • Create device groups for mass deployments 
  • Automate app management for groups
  • Roll out bulk OTA updates 

Automate processes for thousands of machines

  • Use our RESTful API to send commands and track states
  • One central interface to manage devices, groups, and IoT apps
  • Seamless integration with external tools and platforms
  • Maximum security

Get started. All you need is a device and an IoT app.

As simple as possible - this is our process from flashing a device to managing fleets and apps on devices.

Different user profiles help you solve communication gaps by shifting complexity to the right user group.

Connect your devices and create your first device swarm.

We are fully committed to device security.

User authentication

The authentication of users takes place via password and token-supported procedures. After authentication, user access authorization is controlled by a two-stage process. A gatekeeper intercepts all unauthorized requests even before they reach the backend. A detailed authorization check is performed based on the individually assigned rights.

Individual certificates

Certificates are issued individually for each IoT device. The certificates are used to connect to the IoT studio and encrypt the data traffic.
Previously authenticated users assign a secret key to each connected device, which identifies the device to the IoT studio and controls the access.

No open ports

The devices in the IoT studio have no open ports and cannot be accessed from the outside. The connection with the IoT studio can only be initiated by the device.

Regular data backups

The IoT studio stores the state of the devices, login data, and all other relevant data. This data is secured by creating regular backups. An online backup system for the database continuously pushes backup data to an S3 bucket.

Data protection

We differentiate between four forms of data: user data, device data, code data, and data accumulated from devices for IoT analytics. All these forms of data are protected against unauthorized access by highly granular authentication and authorization mechanisms.

Any questions around security?

Simply get in touch with us using one of our contact forms.

You have many questions? Find some of the answers in our FAQ.

To connect a device, the device needs to boot a Docker-enabled Linux system. For a secure and encrypted connection, the device requires an individual configuration including a device ID, secrets, certificates, and other information. 

To facilitate this process, we have developed the Record Evolution Reflasher: an open-source, cross-platform (linux, win32, darwin) desktop application to create bootable, configured flash drives ready to be used in IoT devices. To connect with the IoT studio, the Reflasher uses the custom .reswarm file extension including the full configuration for an IoT device.

You can also use the open-source Reflasher as an all-purpose flashing tool to prepare conventional bootable drives for an operating system on any kind of flash drive.

The IoT studio allows you to develop software live on your devices directly from the browser using your preferred programming languages and protocols. This way, you work with the machines and sensors in a hands-on configuration during development.

Connectivity is independent of the IoT studio. The devices can connect to the internet via wireless local area networks (e.g. WiFi), LoRa, mobile GSM connection or LAN cable. The device ports can be opened and closed through the IoT studio. In this way, different network security scenarios can be implemented on the device. Corporate networks often have a similar shielded architecture.

The power supply of the devices is independent of the IoT studio and can range from power supply connection or battery to energy sources such as solar or wind.

Within our ecosystem, an IoT device is any Docker-capable device that runs on a Linux operating system. Popular examples include Raspberry Pi and modern Industrial PCs (IPC).

The device is connected to the sensor to be read or the machine to be interacted with. This makes the sensor or machine available to the IoT studio.

Any IoT device with a Linux operating system and Docker service can be used as an IoT device. Currently, the easiest way to get started with the IoT studio is to get a Raspberry Pi or developer kits such as NVIDIA Jetson. If you are planning to connect IoT devices and don’t know how, you can simply contact us.

Yes. The Raspberry Pi is a capable lab and R&D device, suitable for a vast range of application scenarios. Developing with Raspberry Pi is cost-effective, simple and flexible. There is a wide availability of suitable hardware interfaces and a large user community. Robust hardware configurations based on Raspberry Pi are now also available (e.g. Kunbus RevPi Core 3). Contact us for more information.

You can use Docker-capable Industrial PCs (e.g. Beckhoff CX9020, WAGO PFC100) and can connect to a wide range of interfaces using various adapters. For easy communication with your machines, libraries are available for most protocols and in many programming languages (e.g. Modbus, Profibus, CODESYS, PLC4X, C, C++, Python). Contact us to discuss the IoT devices that best suit your case.

Ready? Discover the platform or learn the basics in a demo.